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Aug 19, 2023 at 09:55 am —
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Jul 24, 2023 at 10:00 am —
Peptide Gold Booster

Peptide Gold Booster

产品名称:Peptide Gold Booster(肽金箔原液) 功效: Peptide Gold Booster(肽金箔原液)是一款修复和滋养肌肤的高效产品。其独特的配方可以改善干燥肌肤,使肌肤光滑细腻如丝绸,同时提高整体透明度,让肌肤焕发健康光彩。此产品还具有出色的保湿功效,能够持久锁住水分,为肌肤带来丰富的滋润。 成分: 透明质酸钠:具有卓越的保湿能力,能够深层滋润肌肤,改善干燥问题。 氨基酸:有助于维持肌肤的天然保护屏障,提供滋养和舒缓作用。 蓝铜胜肽:促进胶原蛋白的生成,有助于减缓皮肤老化过程,保持肌肤弹性和紧致。 24k金箔:含有丰富的抗氧化物质,有助于提亮肤色,使肌肤更加明亮光泽。 甘油:具有保湿锁水的特性,为肌肤提供持久滋润。 合成氟金云母:帮助改善肤色不均,使肌肤看起来更加均匀和有光泽。 使用方法:洁面和爽肤后,确保脸部干净清洁。取适量Peptide Gold Booster(肽金箔原液),均匀涂抹于脸部。可以轻轻按压帮助产品更好地吸收。等待片刻,直至产品完全被肌肤吸收。 使用建议: 建议每天早晚各使用一次,以获得最佳效果。在使用Peptide Gold Booster(肽金箔原液)期间,建议配合其他适合肌肤类型的护肤产品,如乳液或面霜,以进一步提高肌肤保湿和修复效果。如果不慎接触到眼睛区域,请立即用清水冲洗。如有皮肤不适或过敏反应,请停止使用并咨询专业医生。 read more
Mee Teck Beauty Sdn. Bhd. added new photo in La Roses Facial Treatment - Treatment set
Jul 21, 2023 at 09:32 am —
Seaweed Peel Skin Renew System

Seaweed Peel Skin Renew System

RM 199.00

产品功效: 细腻海藻焕肤套装包含4个配套产品,它们共同协作,一套可以使用三次,以下是每个产品的功效: 第一个产品:Seaweed Peel Skin Renew System(活性微米海藻去角质套装) 使用方法:洗脸后,将活性微米海藻SWEED PEEL POWDER与SKIN REPAIR FLUID混合,涂抹在脸上进行去角质按摩,按摩持续3分钟后用清水洗净。 功效:温和去除老化角质,促进肌肤更新,提亮肤色,使皮肤更加细腻柔滑。   第二个产品:HA AQUA REPAIR SILK MASK(透湿修护丝滑面膜) 使用方法:敷上HA AQUA REPAIR SILK MASK,保持在脸上30分钟。 功效:富含透明质酸,深层补水保湿,修复受损肌肤,让肌肤焕发水润光泽。   第三个产品:PEPTIDE ACTIVE(多肽活性修护套装) 使用方法:将多肽活性干冻粉PEPTIDE ACTIVE POWDER与PEPTIDE ACTIVE FACTOR混合涂抹在脸上。 功效:多肽成分帮助促进胶原蛋白生成,紧致肌肤,减少细纹和皱纹,改善肤质,使肌肤更富弹性。   第四个产品:HA Calming Serum(舒缓保湿精华液) 使用方法:每日早晚使用一次,涂抹适量的HA Calming Serum,为肌肤提供深度保湿。 功效:富含透明质酸,为肌肤提供持久滋润,舒缓肌肤不适,增强肌肤屏障功能,使肌肤保持健康状态。 细腻海藻焕肤套装通过配套使用这四个产品,综合发挥各自的功效,一套可以使用三次,全面改善肌肤问题,拥有更健康、更年轻、更细腻的肌肤。 The Refined Seaweed Renewal Kit consists of 4 complementary products, designed to be used together for a total of 3 applications. Let's highlight each product's efficacy: Product 1: Seaweed Peel Skin Renew System Usage: After cleansing, mix the Activated Seaweed SWEED PEEL POWDER with SKIN REPAIR FLUID and apply it on the face for gentle exfoliating massage. Rinse off with water after a 3-minute massage. Benefits: Effectively removes dead skin cells, stimulates skin renewal, brightens complexion, leaving the skin smoother and refined.   Product 2: HA AQUA REPAIR SILK MASK Usage: Apply the HA AQUA REPAIR SILK MASK and leave it on the face for 30 minutes. Benefits: Enriched with Hyaluronic Acid, deeply hydrates and repairs damaged skin, giving your skin a radiant and silky texture.   Product 3: PEPTIDE ACTIVE Usage: Mix the Peptide Active Dry Freeze Powder with the Peptide Active Factor and apply it to the face. Benefits: Peptide-rich formula promotes collagen production, tightens the skin, reduces fine lines and wrinkles, and improves skin texture, giving it a more elastic appearance.   Product 4: HA Calming Serum Usage: Apply HA Calming Serum once in the morning and once in the evening for deep moisturization. Benefits: Infused with Hyaluronic Acid, this serum provides lasting hydration, soothes the skin, strengthens the skin barrier, and maintains overall skin health. The Refined Seaweed Renewal Kit allows for three applications, enabling you to experience the full benefits of this comprehensive skincare regimen. Achieve healthier, youthful, and smoother skin with this all-in-one solution. read more
Mee Teck Beauty Sdn. Bhd. added a news
Jul 21, 2023 at 09:28 am —
Seeweed Peel Skin Renew System

Seeweed Peel Skin Renew System

Product Name: Refined Seaweed Renewal Kit Product Benefits: The Refined Seaweed Renewal Kit consists of 4 complementary products, designed to be used together for a total of 3 applications. Let's highlight each product's efficacy: Product 1: Seaweed Peel Skin Renew System Usage: After cleansing, mix the Activated Seaweed SWEED PEEL POWDER with SKIN REPAIR FLUID and apply it on the face for gentle exfoliating massage. Rinse off with water after a 3-minute massage. Benefits: Effectively removes dead skin cells, stimulates skin renewal, brightens complexion, leaving the skin smoother and refined.   Product 2: HA AQUA REPAIR SILK MASK Usage: Apply the HA AQUA REPAIR SILK MASK and leave it on the face for 30 minutes. Benefits: Enriched with Hyaluronic Acid, deeply hydrates and repairs damaged skin, giving your skin a radiant and silky texture.   Product 3: PEPTIDE ACTIVE Usage: Mix the Peptide Active Dry Freeze Powder with the Peptide Active Factor and apply it to the face. Benefits: Peptide-rich formula promotes collagen production, tightens the skin, reduces fine lines and wrinkles, and improves skin texture, giving it a more elastic appearance.   Product 4: HA Calming Serum Usage: Apply HA Calming Serum once in the morning and once in the evening for deep moisturization. Benefits: Infused with Hyaluronic Acid, this serum provides lasting hydration, soothes the skin, strengthens the skin barrier, and maintains overall skin health. The Refined Seaweed Renewal Kit allows for three applications, enabling you to experience the full benefits of this comprehensive skincare regimen. Achieve healthier, youthful, and smoother skin with this all-in-one solution.   read more
Mee Teck Beauty Sdn. Bhd. added a news
Jun 8, 2023 at 09:43 am —


高浓度维生素C 精华 DR+MEDM Triple C Serum : 缓解皮肤黑色素,减淡色斑面积,修复肌肤。美白,弹性,保湿,“专利第刺激维生素。每天使用 1ML,一个月后肌肤明显变化! 1)纯净水0%, 不掺水的高浓缩维生素C精华 2)沙棘果提取含大量维生素C,柠檬,烟酰胺,韩国KCL 临床研究中心报告,改善黄褐斑、黑斑肤色,验证美白效果。 3)“专利底刺激维生素C 成分 ” 新鲜无刺激,韩国KCL 临床研究中心报告。 目前活动 买2送1!!先到先得 read more
Mee Teck Beauty Sdn. Bhd. added a news
Jun 1, 2023 at 09:46 am —
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